Make entanglements visible and, if possible, loosen them.
- Complete the interrupted forward movement and thus restore avoided proximity.
- make proximity possible again in the present
- Perceiving and accepting the injured inner child
- Recognizing our original bonds and thus becoming free for the original in us
Seminar dates 2022
- Sunday, 23.01.2022
- Sunday, 06.03.2022
- Sunday, 03.04.2022
- Sunday, 29.05.2022
Constellation work, family constellations, counselling, life integration. Timetable (Sundays): 10:00 - 18:00 o'clock
Family constellations and constellations
By setting up the present family or family of origin, it is possible to find out whether someone within the – extended – family is involved in the fates of former family members. This entanglement happens out of loyalty to a difficult fate and often without knowing about it or even knowing the person.
How do we feel entanglements?
Here are some examples from our work:
- I don’t feel seen: In this case – narcissistically traumatized
- I feel separated, I can’t allow proximity: In this case – Interrupted movement towards the mother
- I feel in the wrong place: In this case – disorder in the family system
- I’m not one of them: In this case – identification with an excluded person
- I feel guilty: in this case – taking a atonement from a loved one
- I do not live my potential: In this case – the child should not dare more luck than the parents out of loyalty
What does a lineup look like?
A woman who wants to line up chooses substitutes for her family and herself from the group. This gives you a place and a direction in the knowing field. Now something astonishing, almost magical happens. The deputies can perceive the feelings, symptoms and peculiarities of strangers.
A new order can now be striven for by the statements of the deputies, by changes, by pronouncing truths and respectful sentences.
For participation a preliminary talk is necessary.
– Duration approx. 1 hour, costs 40,00 €.
Here we prepare the seminar, by looking at destiny-determining events in the origin family up to back to the great-grandparents.
Among them count:
- Early death – miscarriage, abortion.
- Tragic death – in childbed, illness, war, crime.
- Tragic separation – giving away children, early hospitalization as a baby, expulsion from the family, detention, emigration, flight, captivity, missing.
- Serious guilt – war crimes, murder, fraud, e.g. inheritance, rape.
Quote from Bert Hellinger:
“Behind all behavior, no matter how strange it may seem to us, love works, even behind the symptoms one has. Even the solution is always about love. It is the realities that come to light that help and heal, not the therapist”.
Individual sessions
Those who want to do the constellation work but do not want to expose themselves to a group can set up smaller constellations using wooden figures and floor anchors in a single session.