„Nothing and nobody outside of you will ever make you happy.“
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
In this text, an Indian elder speaks to me from his soul. Whoever wants to work with me should also feel touched by his words.
The invitation
I do not care how you earn your money.
I want to know what you long for and whether you dare to dream the fulfilment of your heart’s desire.
I don’t care how old you are.
I want to know if you risk making a fool of yourself in your search for love, for your dream, for the adventure of life.
I don’t care which planets form a square to your moon.
I want to know if you have got to the bottom of your suffering and if the injustices of life have opened you up, or if you are making yourself small and closed to protect yourself from new wounds.
I want to know if you can endure pain – mine or your own – without hiding it, covering it up or alleviating it.
I want to know if you can endure joy – mine or your own -, give yourself unrestrainedly to dance and shake every fiber of your body to ecstasy without appealing to caution and reason or thinking of the limitations of being human.
I don’t care if what you tell me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint others to remain true to yourself; if you can endure the reproach of betrayal not to betray your own soul; if you can be unfaithful to remain trustworthy.
I want to know whether you can recognize the beauty of the everyday, even if it is not always pleasant, and whether its omnipresence is the source from which you draw the strength to live.
I want to know whether you can live with inadequacy – mine and your own – and still stand on the lake shore and shout an unqualified “Yes” to the silver disc of the full moon.
I don’t care where you live or how rich you are.
I want to know whether, after a sorrowfully waked night, you are worn down and can stand up tired to the bone to do what is necessary to provide for your children.
I don’t care who you know or how you got here.
I want to know if you will stay with me in the midst of the fire without retreating.
I don’t care where or what or with whom you studied.
I want to know what carries you from within when everything else breaks away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you really like the one who keeps you company in such lonely moments of your life.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Bibliography Psychotherapy
Arthur Janov
Der Urschrei (S. Fischer Verlag) 1975
Gefangen im Schmerz (S. Fischer Verlag) 1980
Frühe Prägungen ( S. Fischer Verlag) 1983
Der neue Urschrei ( S. Fischer Verlag) 1993
Alle 4 Bücher sind derzeit vergriffen, allerdings kann man sie im Online-Antiquariat für deutschsprachige Titel (ZVAB) derzeit gebraucht finden: ZVAB.com
Arthur Janov
Why you get sick, how you get well
Dove Books 1998
Alice Miller
Das Drama des begabten Kindes
Suhrkamp 1979
Safi Nidiaye
Wieder fühlen lernen
Integral Verlag 2006
Intimität – Das Geheimnis des Glücks
Integral Verlag 2007
Jean Liedloff
Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Glück
Ludwig Janus
Wie die Seele entsteht
Hoffmann und Campe 1991
Hermann Hesse
Gesammelte Werke Suhrkamp
Robert Bly
Eisenhans Knaur (für Männer)
Clarissa Pinkola-Estes
Die Wolfsfrau Heine (für Frauen)
Bert Hellinger
Wie Liebe gelingt Carl-Auer Verlag
Thomas Schäfer
Was die Seele krank macht und was sie heilt
Knaur Verlag
Joachim Meineke
Lachen ist Leben
Verlag Hans Huber
Hunter Beaumont
Auf die Seele schauen
Spirituelle Psychotherapie
Kösel Verlag 2008
Brené Brown
Verletzlichkeit macht stark
Kailash Verlag
Literaturliste Humor – Clownerie
Arno Geiger
Der alte König in seinem Exil
Verlag am Goetheanum
Lachen macht stark
Helmut Bachmaier